paintball örnsköldsvik
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Maxxed Actionpark

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Maxxed Actionpark
Maxxed Actionpark
Maxxed Actionpark
Maxxed Actionpark
Maxxed Actionpark
Maxxed Actionpark
Maxxed Actionpark
Maxxed ActionparkMaxxed ActionparkMaxxed ActionparkMaxxed ActionparkMaxxed ActionparkMaxxed ActionparkMaxxed Actionpark
Visit us in the scenic Moliden, 20 km outside Örnsköldsvik, and experience adrenaline-filled Paintball at its best.
Maxxed Paintball offers action-packed Paintball adventures with a facility in the scenic Moliden, 20 km north of Örnsköldsvik. Our facility offers several different types of paintball such as mini sports paintball (for children), Speedball (competition paintball) and classic Woodsball (Paintball).

Our vision is to be able to offer more than the classic rental paintball with a focus on high quality, the latest equipment and gaming experiences beyond the ordinary.

Forget time and space for a moment and enter the world of adrenaline with us at Maxxed Paintball, Örnsköldsvik.

Paintball are suitable for:

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Opening hours


10:00-20:00(Ring för att boka aktivitet.)


10:00-20:00(Ring för att boka aktivitet.)

Sunday 16/3

10:00-20:00(Ring för att boka aktivitet.)

Monday 17/3

10:00-20:00(Ring för att boka aktivitet.)
Show all opening hours Opening hours updated 19/4 kl. 11:04 by Maxxed Actionpark

Standard opening hours

Monday: 10:00-20:00 (Ring för att boka aktivitet.)
Tuesday: 10:00-20:00 (Ring för att boka aktivitet.)
Wednesday: 10:00-20:00 (Ring för att boka aktivitet.)
Thursday: 10:00-20:00 (Ring för att boka aktivitet.)
Friday: 10:00-20:00 (Ring för att boka aktivitet.)
Saturday: 10:00-20:00 (Ring för att boka aktivitet.)
Sunday: 10:00-20:00 (Ring för att boka aktivitet.)

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